I’m not concerned about PRISM, the
massive illegal, unconstitutional secret spying program carried out by the NSA,
because I have nothing to hide. I know the national security establishment sees
environmentalists as threats and often places agents provocateurs amongst their midst, but I don’t care, I never
attend environmental protests or demonstrations or sign petitions or do
Facebook likes for those kinds of groups. Besides I trust that the government
and corporations working together will always do their best to protect the
Ditto with anti-war protesting.
Since America’s $700b annual war budget is almost exclusively oriented towards
the War on Terror (there are no state enemies of the US) it stands to reason
that anti-warriors are also anti-America and unpatriotic. So why bother
offering a target to the anti-terrorism police.
I don’t picket in solidarity with
union strikers since there are always plainclothes cops taking pictures of
everybody who attends. I don’t sign petitions proposing marijuana be legalized
because even in states whose people have voted in favor of legal pot, the feds
are out trying to bust people. Obama, America’s first president who has openly
admitted to smoking pot and who stated clearly that he’s not going after
potheads because he has ‘bigger fish to fry’, doesn’t seem to be able or
willing to control the DEA. Hmmm, maybe I do have something to hide, but I’m a white,
normal-looking geezer and cops never go after people like myself and maybe the
whole War on Drugs paradigm will change before I get busted. I’ll just have to
watch what I say and who I talk to and always be cryptic in my messages. Anyway
that’s a small thing.
Of course, mistakes do happen, as
in the case of Mahar Arar, a telecoms engineer who was returning home to Canada
from a vacation in Tunis. He was detained en route in New York on false
intelligence that he was connected to terrorism, held in isolation in NY for
two weeks without access to a lawyer and then rendered to Syria where he was
beaten and tortured for ten months until Syria realized he really didn’t have
anything to hide. Our US government insists he was deported, not rendered but
wouldn’t ship him forward to Canada whose passport he was traveling on and
where he’d lived for the previous 15 years, but to Syria where he hadn’t set
foot since he’d left 15 years earlier (He has a dual Canadian/Syrian
citizenship only because Syria doesn’t allow people to renounce citizenship). After
all, Canada wasn’t going to try to torture a confession out of him, so what
good would that have been?
Mistakes do happen but that’s a
small price to pay to keep America safe and not a good enough reason to honor
basic human rights first declared in the 13th century Magna Carta
and further enunciated in the US Constitution and the Geneva Conventions. Habeas
Corpus, the requirement that government actually charge a person they wish to
detain, prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment; right to counsel,
unreasonable search and seizure without probable cause, due process: all,
paraphrasing the Bush administration: quaint relics of the past in an age where
the specter of terrorism haunts every government action.
Maher Arar was told he didn’t have
a right to a lawyer because he wasn’t an American citizen. That’s because other
people don’t deserve the same rights as American citizens; that is, when we can
even honor rights for Americans. You see, the War on Terrorism is so important
that nobody can be afforded rights that might hold back our heroic efforts.
That’s why our president must have the right to use drones to kill anybody,
anywhere - US citizens included – who we suspect may be bad guys. We don’t have
to be sure because that might let bad guys escape to do their nefarious deeds. Needless
to say, Obama loses a lot of sleep over who goes on his kill list every time he
makes that choice and he feels especially bad when large numbers of innocents
are obliterated, as when whole wedding parties are bombed to smithereens, but
they should know by now that gathering in large groups is suspicious activity
and our government can’t take a chance in that situation. He also agonizes over
incidents when first responders rushing to a bomb site with the idea of helping
the injured are bombed in turn. But who, after all, is going to be there to
help the bad guys except other bad guys? Due process? Once again a quaint relic of a
simpler past when our country is in such immediate danger.
The cost of the War on Terror may
be great, but think of the 4000 or so Americans who’ve died at the hands of
those bad guys over the last 20 years. Besides, if we don’t get every last one,
something really bad might happen. So what if it costs $80 billion? – or some big
amount anyway, it’s hard to know exactly with all the necessary secrecy which
surrounds our efforts.
I know some people will question
the wisdom of spending so much on anti-terror when only $565 million is spent
on preventing industrial accidents which each year in the U.S. take the lives
of 55,000 people and make sick or injure an additional 4 million or so, but
that’s the breaks, you can’t really have a dynamic, healthy economy when there
are too many regulations and there is too much surveillance. Moreover, workers
don’t have to take those dangerous jobs, they can just work elsewhere. Anyway
terror is a lot more frightening and galvanizing so it’s just natural it would garner
hundreds of times the funding.
I know a lot of you will
vehemently oppose what I’ve had to say and you’ve every right to express your
opinions, but just between you and me, I’d hesitate to express those views
anywhere on the internet or on telephone or anywhere in a public building or in
proximity to a spy cam or whatever… you never know, you just never know.
Meanwhile, I have nothing to hide,
or not much, and besides I trust the government will always be fair and reasonable
and only use the information it’s gathering for good ends. Even if they make a
mistake now and then and target and harass and torture or even kill a poor
hapless innocent, I won’t hold it against them because it’s all for an
important patriotic cause.
1 comment:
Bravo, Stan !!! A brilliant rant, profound and hilarious -- better than most of the humor attempts in the New Yorker.
Looking forward to seeing you back in Potland, I mean Poetland, oh it's Portland Oregon of course. I'm wrapped up in the big local festival right now, plus the drama of my wife's brother's old age breakdown, but congrats on a brilliant exploration of public nudity.
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